Christ Church, Woodford
Seeking to know Christ better
and to make Christ better known.
All material on this web site is copyright © of the PCC and cannot be used in any form without permission. Last updated 30 Mar 2025 Any comments please email to the web administrator at
Vicar Rev David Russell Tel: 0161-439-2286
“This parish takes its safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. Any individual who wishes to come forward with information or to make a disclosure is encouraged to make direct contact with the Parish Safeguarding Officer Jeanne Hobson. (further info press (Jeanne Hobson)Alternatively, you can contact Diocese partners thirtyone:eight. Thirtyonr:eight can be contacted on 03030031111
Welcome to Christ Church’s website and thank you for taking the time to look in on us. We are a Church of England church based in Woodford on the edge of Cheshire. Our Mission statement is ‘Seeking to know Christ better and make Christ better known’. To that end we are committed to listening to God teach us from the Bible, to speaking to Him in prayer, to meeting together to encourage and support each other, and to sharing the message about Jesus with those around us. On a Sunday, our regular service times and styles are 9am BCP (traditional) Communion Service and then 10.15am Morning Worship (a more contemporary service with Bible readings, prayers, a sermon and music led by our choir). The 10.15 service has a more modern Communion service on the first Sunday of the month and is followed each week with refreshments in the Church Hall. We also, on the first Sunday of the month, now have refreshments after the 9am service.
God bless, (Rev David Russell, Vicar)