CCW News: Christ Church Woodford News Update
28th November 2024
Last Sunday (a reminder/reflection on Sunday’s sermon): Colossians 1:15-23
Last Sunday was ‘Christ the King Sunday,’ and we thought, from Colossians 1:15-23, about 6 truths about Jesus – truths which answer some of our greatest questions, and address some of deepest fears.
First, Jesus is the ‘image of God’ (1:15,19), so, if we want to know what God is like, then we look at Jesus. Second, He is the Creator and Sustainer of everything (1:15-17), and not just on the ‘big’ universal scale, but of each of us, so our lives have meaning and value. Third, He is the Ruler of Everything (1:16-17), so everyone, from the leaders of the world, to us in our lives, need to humbly submit to Him. Fourth, He is the ‘Head of the Church’ (1:18), and that means that He will bring His people (made up of everyone across time and from around the world) through the times of challenge and trial, ultimately through to be with Him. Fifth, He is the Victor over Death (1:18), so there is hope for us when we consider our own mortality. Sixth, He is the Great Reconciler between us and God (1:20) – through His atoning death He has done everything that needed to be done to put us at peace with God.
Those are wonderful truths, but there is a challenge for us in 1:23 – notice the ‘if’. We, as Paul says, need to remain faithful to the Bible’s message about Jesus.
As we go into Christmas, let’s keep that ‘big view’ of who Jesus is. Yes, He was the baby in the manger, but He is much, much more. And the truth is that we need Him to be the great God that He is.
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for who you are, and for all you have done, are doing and will do. Please help me to hold onto that big view of you, not only at Christmas, but always. Amen
Forthcoming Dates:
Sat 30th Nov, 9am: Prayer Meeting in the Hall
Sun 1st Dec: First Sunday of Advent
Tues 3rd Dec, 12.30pm: Funeral of Angela Mycock at Church
Wed 4th Dec: No Prayer Meeting this week
Sun 8th Dec, 10.15am: Bishop Mark visiting Christ Church and preaching
Mon 9th Dec, 10.30am: Interment of Ashes service for Barrie Jackson
Mon 9th Dec, 1pm: Vicar taking Christmas Assembly at Woodford Primary School
Tues 10th Dec, 7pm: Christmas CAMEO
Wed 11th Dec, 7.30pm: Prayer Meeting on Zoom
Fri 13th Dec, 6.45pm for 7pm start: Carol singing at Woodford WinterFest (at Community Centre)
Tues 17th Dec, 11am: Christmas Service at Southfield House
Wed 18th Dec, 12noon: Church Christmas Lunch in Hall
Wed 18th Dec, 7.30pm: Prayer Meeting on Zoom
Christmas Dates:
Sat 21st Dec:
Morning: Church Open morning – for people to visit our beautifully decorated building
2pm: Carol singing at Notcutts
Sun 22nd Dec:
9am Communion Service
10.15 Service: Carol Praise
3pm: Carols & Christmas music with members of Hazel Grove Brass Band
Tues 24th Dec:
3pm: Christingle Service
11.30pm: Midnight Communion Service
Wed 25th Dec:
9am: Communion Service
10.15: Christmas Day service for all the family
Sun 29th Dec:
No 9am service, but combined 10.15 Morning Worship
New once-a-month Prayer Meeting - this coming Saturday: 30 Nov, 9am-10am
Our new once-a-month Saturday Prayer Meeting, got off to a great start the other Saturday with 13 of us coming together in our Hall to pray. The next Meeting will be on 30 Nov. Please do join us!
Just to recap: Many of you will be aware that I am deeply committed to us coming together specifically to pray – to pray for the life of our Church and our mission, and for our community and the world. Prayer Meetings are nothing to fear! They are just us coming together to pray. Some people will pray out loud ‘off the cuff,’ maybe some people will read out prayers they have prepared in advance, and many will pray quietly in their own heads and hearts. I’ve wanted to make it possible for people who aren’t able to make our monthly Wednesday evening Prayer Meeting to come on another day, so I’ve chosen the last Saturday of the month (but not in December!). Hopefully that timing will leave plenty of room for our usual Saturday activities.
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