2025 Church Lunches: 12noon in the Hall: Next one: Wednesday 26th February
Our thanks to Vicky Ackers and her team for all they do each month for our Church Lunches. The next lunch is on Wed 26th February. And the rest of the dates for the first half of the year are: 26th March (an MAF fundraiser), 30th April, 14th May (a fundraiser during Christian Aid week) and 25th June.
The team are looking for people who may want to make a donation or contribution of some kind; soup, cake, crackers, cheese etc. More generally, if you are able to help with the team, please let Vicky know.
Good Book Groups: Monday 24th Feb, 2.30pm & Wednesday 26th Feb, 7.30pm
Our Good Book Groups will resume later this month and we continue on through John’s Gospel. We are picking things up at John 18 where we see Jesus’ arrest and trial. The timing of our studies works well in relation to Easter since, as we enter and then go through Lent we’ll be spending some time looking at these moving events which are of such great significance.
John 18 is Jesus’ arrest and trial, John 19 is Jesus’ death, and then John 20 and 21 are about His resurrection. And we’ll be looking at one chapter per month.
As ever, the Monday afternoon session is repeated on the Wednesday evening. All sessions are held at the Vicarage, and please do come along – whether or not you’ve joined us before.
The dates for the planned dates for the next four sessions are:
Mondays at 2.30pm: 24th Feb, 24 March & 28th April
Wednesdays at 7.30pm: 26 Feb, 26 March, 30th April
We are looking for volunteers to help with a new Baby & Toddlers’ Group
Vicky Ackers has very kindly offered to set up a Baby & Toddler Group, which would meet in our Hall, once a week during term time. More details will become clear over time, but Vicky needs some volunteers to get it up and running. All volunteers will have to meet all necessary Safeguarding requirements, but if you are interested in helping, then please let Vicky know.
Flowers at the front of Church
The flowers at the front of Church do so much to enhance the beauty of our building, and I’m sure that we all agree that Jackie and her team do a wonderful job. If people would like to add their name to the flower list for a particular Sunday (the list is on the shelf by the door) they are very welcome to. Flowers do not necessarily need to be placed in memory of a loved one, and Jackie is willing to arrange them if you would like her help.
Prayer Points:
Life of our Church: As we start to look towards Lent and Easter, we pray that we would be deepening in our knowledge and love of our Lord Jesus who entered our world, and died and rose again to save everyone who turns in faith to Him.
We pray too for all those who help lead us as a Church, asking the Lord to guide, equip and strengthen us all in His service. We pray for the Lord to raise up volunteers who will be able to take on new roles in the life of our Church. And we give thanks to the Lord for everyone who works so hard in many different so many different ways throughout the year.
Those who have specifically asked us to remember them in prayer: Jean Ackers, Zoe Addie, Sarah Bibby, Miles Buckley, Trist Calthorpe, Tony Cooper, Simon Copner, Alan Cross, June Davenport, Keith Ferns, Alan Holbrook, Harry Jenkins, David Jones, Graham Meare, Alan Page, Donald Pryce, and Tony Whalley.
And we also remember those who mourn, praying that they would know the Lord’s comfort and presence, and take to heart the truth that Jesus has, through His resurrection, been victorious over the grave. At this time we particularly remember the family and friends of Barbara Boffey and Ann Roberts.
The events in our country and world: We pray for those in positions of authority around the world asking that the Lord would give them wisdom, humility and a desire to achieve peace, justice and what is best for the common good, and always with a heart for the weakest and most vulnerable. We particularly pray about the awful situation in Israel & Gaza and the wider Middle East, as well as the on-going wars in Ukraine and so many other parts of the world. We remember too those who are caught up in the natural disasters we hear so often about and also the refugee crisis effecting Europe and beyond.